Personal Driver Job Opportunities in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Are you considering working as a personal driver in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia? This article provides a complete description of a current job position, including all of the information you need to make an informed selection. We cover everything from salaries and benefits to application procedures and daily life in Riyadh.

Personal Driver Job Opportunities in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Personal Driver Job Opportunities in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Job Overview

Job Title
: Personal Driver
Personal drivers are vital in Riyadh, a thriving metropolis that values convenience and timeliness. As a personal driver, your primary responsibility will be to carry customers securely and effectively to their destinations.
Location of Duty: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh, is well-known for its sophisticated infrastructure, vibrant culture, and rapid economic expansion. This city provides a lively setting for professionals.
Available/Total Jobs: 2 / 2.
3100 Rials (SAR)
Employees receive free lunch, allowing them to focus on their profession without worrying about daily meal expenses.
Health insurance
Health insurance is supplied, ensuring that you have access to medical treatment when you need it.
Transportation is given for free, making it easier to commute and save money.
Permission Number: 2612587.
Offer expiration date:
December 10, 2024.


A valid driver’s license.
• Proven driving record

  • Knowledge of Riyadh’s traffic regulations
  • Excellent driving skills
  • Punctuality and reliability
  • Effective communication skills

Previous experience as a personal driver or in a comparable job is beneficial, but not required.
Interview Process
The interview process can include:
• Initial phone screening

  • In-person interviews
  • Driving tests to evaluate skills
    Riyadh boasts a rich cultural legacy, including museums, historic sites, and modern attractions. Understanding local norms and traditions will improve your living experience.
    Accommodation alternatives in Riyadh include flats and villas, although the employment does not offer free lodging.
    The job benefits include free transportation, making commuting in Riyadh both comfortable and cost-effective.

Application Process: How to Apply

  1. Contact the Agency
    • You can reach out to Syed Ali Shah, the contact person at Farnas Recruiting Agency.
    • Here are the contact details:
      • Office Phone Numbers: 0946755632, 0946756632
      • Mobile Number: 03469794042
      • Email:
  2. Submit Your Application
    • Send an email with your documents attached to the provided email address.
    • Include a cover letter explaining your interest in the position and your qualifications.
    • Ensure the subject line of your email clearly states the position you are applying for.
    • Use the office phone numbers or the mobile number to make the follow-up call.
  3. Prepare for the Interview
    • If your application is shortlisted, you will be contacted for an interview.
    • Prepare for common interview questions related to your field.
    • Be ready to discuss your experience and skills in detail.


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